Extra files: 3D case models for EVOR04

EVOR04 3D Case


Here are available three case models for EVOR04. The models are in STL format and suitable for 3D printing. First one is minimal size, required to fit in, EVOR04. The drawback is that it has asymmetric front panel. Second on is bigger in width, to obtain symmetric front panel. For that, there is an empty space next to the connectors. Third one is similar to the second, but with removed rounding of the edges.

Minimal size, rounded edges

EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
Full Size
EVOR04 Case.zip3D STL model of case with minimal size and rounded edges

Symmetric size, rounded edges

EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
Full Size
EVOR04 Case Wide.zip3D STL model of case with symmetric panel and rounded edges

Symmetric size, sharp edges

EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
EVOR04 3D Case
Full Size
EVOR04 Case Wide Sharp.zip3D STL model of case with symmetric panel and sharp edges
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